Cockroach Control

Cockroach Control

Best Cockroach Control Services in Phoenix AZ

Cockroaches are one of the oldest groups of insects, indicating how successful they have been in adapting to changes in their environments. One reason for this success may be related to diet–they are scavengers and will eat anything organic. They prefer food sources such as starches, sweets, grease and meat products, but other items may include cheese, beer, leather, glue, hair, starch in book bindings, flakes of dried skin or decaying organic matter (plant or animal).

Cockroaches are attracted to warm, moist environments. They spend the daylight hours in dark, secluded sites under refrigerators, stoves, false bottoms in kitchen cabinets, in the backs of cabinets and in crevices between baseboards and floors or cabinets and walls. They may also be found behind pictures or within electronic equipment. A number of these openings will ultimately lead to voids in the stud walls. The insects leave these sites at night to forage for food and water. The presence of Cockroaches during the day may indicate a large population.

Cockroach Control

There are about 3,000 species of Cockroaches in the world and about 50 occur in the United States. Of these 50 species, the three most common in the Northeast are the German Cockroach, the American Cockroach and the Brownbanded Cockroach.

German Cockroach: Blattella germanica

The German Cockroach is 12 to 17 mm (1/2 to 5/8 inch) long, tan to light brown, and has two dark brown stripes on the body region (pronotal shield) just behind the head. Females will produce four to eight egg capsules during their lifetime, with each capsule containing approximately 40 eggs. The egg capsule is retained by the female until the eggs are ready to hatch, usually in 28 to 30 days.

German Cockroaches are widespread and can be found in homes, restaurants, hospitals, nursing homes or apartments. Within these areas, the Cockroaches prefer sites close to moisture and food, making them common pests in kitchens, bathrooms and food-storage areas. Of the Cockroaches which infest structures, the German Cockroach is probably found more frequently than other species.

American Cockroach: Periplaneta americana

The American Cockroach is one of the largest Cockroaches in the Northeast. It is about 40 mm (1.5 inches) long with a reddish-brown body. The center portion of the pronotal shield is light brown, while the outer edges are yellow. Even though both sexes are winged, their flight is more of a gliding movement from point to point than active flight.

The female American Cockroach will not retain the egg capsule for more than a day after its formation, instead dropping the capsule in some suitable site. Under some conditions it may be glued to a surface. The number of capsules produced by a female will range from 6 to 14, with each capsule containing 14 to 16 eggs. The eggs hatch in 50 to 55 days.

The American Cockroach prefers dark, moist sites where it feeds on decaying organic matter. Such sites include basements, kitchens, clothes hampers, drains, bathroom plumbing or sewers. High populations have been known to develop in sewers, from where they infest households or other structures.

Brownbanded Cockroach: Supella longipalpa

The Brownbanded Cockroach is 12 mm (1/2 inch) long, light brown, and has two lighter colored bands running across the body. These bands are located at the base of the wings and on the abdomen. The bands are much darker during the immature stages. The Brownbanded female carries the egg capsule for 24 to 48 hours before gluing it to a surface. The capsule contains approximately 18 eggs that hatch in 50-74 days. An adult female produces about 18 egg capsules over a life-span of 10 months.

The Brownbanded Cockroach requires less moisture than other Cockroaches. It is more prevalent in homes, apartments, hotels and hospital rooms than in restaurants or stores. Evidence of this Cockroach may be found behind pictures, in furniture, the underside of chairs and tables, upper kitchen cabinets or the upper shelves of closets and pantries. The Brownbanded Cockroach often infests electrical appliances such as radios, televisions, telephones and computers.

Cockroach Control


Identification of the infesting Cockroach is crucial to successful management. Knowledge of the preferences and habitats of each species will help to provide more accurate and effective control.


Anything that can be done to eliminate the sources of food and water for the Cockroaches from the home environment will help in their control:

Do not allow dirty dishes to accumulate in the sink and remain there overnight.

Keep food scraps in the refrigerator or in containers with tight-fitting lids.

If pets are in the home, keep the pet food in tightly sealed containers, and do not allow food to remain in the bowls overnight. Feed only what the animal will eat at the time of feeding.

Remove garbage from the home on a routine basis. Keep outside containers covered, especially at night.

Periodically check and clean the evaporation pan under the refrigerator or freezer.

A critical point may be the area between the stove and cabinet, where grease and food scraps often accumulate. Pull the stove out periodically and clean thoroughly.


Cockroach traps are containers (available in various shapes) open on both ends and with adhesive surfaces on the inside. The traps may or may not include a food attractant. As the Cockroach enters the box, it becomes trapped in the adhesive. Proper placement is essential! Cockroaches move from point to point along lines where vertical and horizontal planes meet. This may be where the floor and wall join, it may be where the bottom of a drawer meets the side of the drawer, or where a shelf joins the wall of a cabinet. Place traps flush to the wall, as even a small gap between the trap and wall allows the Cockroach to bypass the trap.

In single-family homes in the Northeast, sanitation should be adequate to eliminate and prevent Cockroach infestations. If the above control options are not sufficient, several treatment methods are available, including baits, insecticides and dusts.


Cockroach baits contain an insecticide (or pathogen) plus an ingredient to attract the Cockroach. Baits are packaged as easy-to-use containers which are placed in areas of known Cockroach activity. Insecticides available as baits are hydramethylnon (Combat), sulfluramid (Raid Max) and avermectin (Roach Ender).


Insecticides give the best control when applied under objects (refrigerators and stoves), along lines where shelving meets walls (top and bottom), in the backs of the cabinets, behind pictures (depending on species) and as crack and crevice treatments. Remove dishes, cookware and foods from cabinets before treatments; return after the spray has dried. There are many products readily available for this purpose.


These compounds are harder to use but give long-lasting control. Boric acid is the only available material in this category. It should be applied to cracks, crevices and wall voids as well as under stoves, refrigerators and in the backs of cabinets. It should be applied as a thin film–do not apply in piles or a thick coat.

Refer to the Pest Control page for D.I.Y. Prevention Tips for Cockroach Control Phoenix Arizona!

Pest Control Product Safety

Pest Control products, if misused, can potentially poison or otherwise harm you, your children, or your pets.


Professional pesticides are only permitted for use by your licensed Pest Control professional! When their use is deemed necessary, WATTS Pest Prevention technicians follow stringent policies and procedures governing such use


Our Pest Control Process

We utilize an Integrated Pest Management (I.P.M.) approach for Arizona Pest Control. This comprehensive approach includes:

  • Inspection - Service specialists conduct a thorough inspection of the property.
  • Identification - Pests are identified for appropriate control measures.
  • Environmental Modification - All possible environmental modification solutions are considered prior to any material application.
  • Material Application - When a thorough inspection has been performed, a proper identification has been assessed, and all environmental modification options have been made (if applicable), a material application will be performed in a judicious, environmentally responsible manner.


Pest Control Prevention Tips

A successful Arizona Pest Control program requires more than simply relying solely on your recurring Pest Control services. Understanding that recurring Pest Control plays a critical role, supplemental Pest Control methods include the client’s cooperation in properly preparing and maintaining the property being serviced. Properly preparing and maintaining a Pest-free environment includes:

Interior Considerations: Seal holes in walls and around pipes, cables and wires. Seal cracks and crevices with paint or caulk. Seal other holes ¼” or larger. Fix leaky plumbing. Correct excessive moisture problems. Remove clutter. Organize storage rooms/closets. Store Pest nesting material (fabric, paper, rug scraps, plastic, and insulation) in Pest-proof containers. Clean and screen drains. Cap drains in basement floors. Store human and pet food in Pest-proof containers. Maintain excellent sanitation conditions. Dispose of Pest- or Rodent-infested goods. Remove fecal matter (rodents, bats, birds). Sanitize animal fecal matter after removal. Investigate secondary Pest potential from primary Pest infestation (e.g. fleas, mites).

Exterior Considerations: Cut vegetation back from building walls at least 18″. Remove ivy and other vines from sides of buildings or nearby trees. Trim back tree branches that touch or rub against building. Seal and/or repair air conditioning unit(s). Seal holes in walls and around pipes, cables, and wires. Seal other holes ¼” or larger. Repair damaged roof. Move compost into Pest-proof containers. Fix leaking irrigation. Eliminate standing water. Maintain properly functioning drains. Maintain order in storage shed(s) and/or garage(s). Store Pest nesting material (fabric, paper, rug scraps, plastic, and insulation) in Pest-proof containers. Store grass seed and pet food in Pest-proof containers. Remove debris, lumber and/or rock piles. Move firewood piles as far away from the structure as possible. Cut grass and eliminate weeds. Remove fallen fruit or nuts. Remove fecal matter (rodents, bats, birds). Sanitize animal fecal matter after removal. Investigate secondary Pest potential from primary Pest infestation (e.g. fleas, mites).


Pest Control Price, Product & Performance Promise

Price Promise - At WATTS Pest Prevention, we are committed to operate in a financially sound manner, considering every cost incurred, in order to provide superior services at extremely reasonable rates to you, our customer.

Product Promise - WATTS Pest Prevention is committed to not only being environmentally responsible with the materials that we use, by utilizing technologically advanced measures such as I.P.M. (Integrated Pest Management) and low impact materials approved by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and certified with the N.O.P. (National Organic Program), we also choose to conduct our day-to-day business operations with these same considerations toward being environmentally responsible.

Performance Promise - WATTS Pest Prevention is committed to providing a service experience that is not only exceptional and unmatched in our industry but also custom tailored to meet your specific needs. Did I mention that it boasts an amazing “Pest-Free, Or We’ll Waive The Fee” Guarantee! Simply stated, we have perfected our unique Pest Prevention process! WATTS Pest Prevention is a family owned and locally operated company. What this means to you is:

- Convenient, On-Time Service! Our service approach won’t ever leave you waiting on us!
- Professionally Dressed Technicians! Say goodbye to the average “bug guy!”
- Owner Investment & Involvement! I’m here when you need me!
- Careful Consideration To You & Your Property! We even wear shoe covers inside!
- Exceptional Service Experience! Every time!
- Availability! 24 Hours a day, 7 Days a week, our team is waiting for you…CALL NOW!
- Comprehensive Coverage! We offer the most comprehensive pest coverage this industry offers!
- Guaranteed Service Results! Ask about our “Pest-Free, Or We’ll Waive The Fee” Guarantee!

Marc A. Watts Sr.


100 Percent Pest Control Satisfaction Guarantee

If you select one of our eligible Pest Prevention Programs and observe any covered pest(s) in-between regularly scheduled service visits, or you were not completely satisfied with the last service we provided, Watts Pest Prevention will respond to correct the problem within forty-eight (48) hours*. If we fail to respond within forty-eight (48) hours, or fail to correct the problem, we will refund your last service charge. See Service Agreement for more details!

*Excluding weekends and holidays.


50% Off Initial Pest Elimination Service*

Offer Expires: Friday, October 25

* Offer valid with a Pest Elimination service plan.

50% Off Initial Pest Elimination Service*
Offer Expires:Friday, October 25

*Offer valid with a Pest Elimination service plan.

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