Fly Control

Fly Control

Best Fly Control Services in Phoenix AZ

ID / Biology / Behavior:

Flies are Insecta from the order Diptera – from the Greek “di” (two) and “ptera” (wings) and have been around for about 240 million years. Flies are depicted both in mythology and literature. In the biblical fourth plague of Egypt, Flies represent death and decay. In the traditional Navajo religion, Big Fly is an important spirit being.

Flies are created for aerial movement with short, streamlined bodies. Flies have no teeth or other parts allowing them to eat solid food – only liquids or finely granulated products. Flies proliferate effectively over a short period of time – hence the seemingly inexhaustible “supply.”

Fly Control Phoenix AZ

There are several types of Flies but two of the most common are: the House Fly from the Latin “Musca Domestica,” usually gray, length less than 4-7.5 mm, with four black stripes on the thorax, covered with small hair that serves as tasters. Also in this category are Lesser House Flies, Red House Flies and Blue House Flies. All are major carriers of diseases including typhoid, tuberculosis, cholera and dysentery (pathogens are collected on their legs and mouths as they feed on feces, trash and other decayed [or decaying] material). Their average lifespan is less than 1 month.

And the Drain Fly, in Latin “Family Psychodidae,” about 1.5 to 5 mm in length, light gray or tan body with lighter-colored wings, covered with long hair which gives this fly a distinctly “fuzzy” appearance. The Drain Fly poses problems if their population overgrows. Their lifespan is usually something like 2 weeks, with newly emerging adults to rapidly replace the dying.


House Flies like thin objects or corners and edges of floors, walls and ceilings during daylight hours. At night, they usually rest near sources of food, 5-15 feet up from the ground. House Flies like a variety of food sources: human, animal food and carcasses, garbage and excrement.

Drain Flies can be found normally on bathroom, kitchen or basement walls. Nocturnal, they feed on organic matter and sewage.

Prevention Tips / Treatment:

The first step toward control of House Flies is identifying the species. Different species necessitate differing control methods. Determine their breeding site – this may be something simple but could also be something not obvious to the untrained eye.

Drain Flies are controlled by locating and removing their breeding site. This calls for removing the material causing a drain stoppage not simply dumping in a liquid drain cleaner.

Our WATTS Pest Prevention specialists determine the most effective means of treatment to resolve your Flies dilemma.

For more Flies information or to request a FREE, NO OBLIGATION Flies Inspection and proposal for your review – call 24/7 (855) 469-2887 [855-GO WATTS].

Pest Control Product Safety

Pest Control products, if misused, can potentially poison or otherwise harm you, your children, or your pets.


Professional pesticides are only permitted for use by your licensed Pest Control professional! When their use is deemed necessary, WATTS Pest Prevention technicians follow stringent policies and procedures governing such use


Our Pest Control Process

We utilize an Integrated Pest Management (I.P.M.) approach for Arizona Pest Control. This comprehensive approach includes:

  • Inspection - Service specialists conduct a thorough inspection of the property.
  • Identification - Pests are identified for appropriate control measures.
  • Environmental Modification - All possible environmental modification solutions are considered prior to any material application.
  • Material Application - When a thorough inspection has been performed, a proper identification has been assessed, and all environmental modification options have been made (if applicable), a material application will be performed in a judicious, environmentally responsible manner.


Pest Control Prevention Tips

A successful Arizona Pest Control program requires more than simply relying solely on your recurring Pest Control services. Understanding that recurring Pest Control plays a critical role, supplemental Pest Control methods include the client’s cooperation in properly preparing and maintaining the property being serviced. Properly preparing and maintaining a Pest-free environment includes:

Interior Considerations: Seal holes in walls and around pipes, cables and wires. Seal cracks and crevices with paint or caulk. Seal other holes ¼” or larger. Fix leaky plumbing. Correct excessive moisture problems. Remove clutter. Organize storage rooms/closets. Store Pest nesting material (fabric, paper, rug scraps, plastic, and insulation) in Pest-proof containers. Clean and screen drains. Cap drains in basement floors. Store human and pet food in Pest-proof containers. Maintain excellent sanitation conditions. Dispose of Pest- or Rodent-infested goods. Remove fecal matter (rodents, bats, birds). Sanitize animal fecal matter after removal. Investigate secondary Pest potential from primary Pest infestation (e.g. fleas, mites).

Exterior Considerations: Cut vegetation back from building walls at least 18″. Remove ivy and other vines from sides of buildings or nearby trees. Trim back tree branches that touch or rub against building. Seal and/or repair air conditioning unit(s). Seal holes in walls and around pipes, cables, and wires. Seal other holes ¼” or larger. Repair damaged roof. Move compost into Pest-proof containers. Fix leaking irrigation. Eliminate standing water. Maintain properly functioning drains. Maintain order in storage shed(s) and/or garage(s). Store Pest nesting material (fabric, paper, rug scraps, plastic, and insulation) in Pest-proof containers. Store grass seed and pet food in Pest-proof containers. Remove debris, lumber and/or rock piles. Move firewood piles as far away from the structure as possible. Cut grass and eliminate weeds. Remove fallen fruit or nuts. Remove fecal matter (rodents, bats, birds). Sanitize animal fecal matter after removal. Investigate secondary Pest potential from primary Pest infestation (e.g. fleas, mites).


Pest Control Price, Product & Performance Promise

Price Promise - At WATTS Pest Prevention, we are committed to operate in a financially sound manner, considering every cost incurred, in order to provide superior services at extremely reasonable rates to you, our customer.

Product Promise - WATTS Pest Prevention is committed to not only being environmentally responsible with the materials that we use, by utilizing technologically advanced measures such as I.P.M. (Integrated Pest Management) and low impact materials approved by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and certified with the N.O.P. (National Organic Program), we also choose to conduct our day-to-day business operations with these same considerations toward being environmentally responsible.

Performance Promise - WATTS Pest Prevention is committed to providing a service experience that is not only exceptional and unmatched in our industry but also custom tailored to meet your specific needs. Did I mention that it boasts an amazing “Pest-Free, Or We’ll Waive The Fee” Guarantee! Simply stated, we have perfected our unique Pest Prevention process! WATTS Pest Prevention is a family owned and locally operated company. What this means to you is:

- Convenient, On-Time Service! Our service approach won’t ever leave you waiting on us!
- Professionally Dressed Technicians! Say goodbye to the average “bug guy!”
- Owner Investment & Involvement! I’m here when you need me!
- Careful Consideration To You & Your Property! We even wear shoe covers inside!
- Exceptional Service Experience! Every time!
- Availability! 24 Hours a day, 7 Days a week, our team is waiting for you…CALL NOW!
- Comprehensive Coverage! We offer the most comprehensive pest coverage this industry offers!
- Guaranteed Service Results! Ask about our “Pest-Free, Or We’ll Waive The Fee” Guarantee!

Marc A. Watts Sr.


100 Percent Pest Control Satisfaction Guarantee

If you select one of our eligible Pest Prevention Programs and observe any covered pest(s) in-between regularly scheduled service visits, or you were not completely satisfied with the last service we provided, Watts Pest Prevention will respond to correct the problem within forty-eight (48) hours*. If we fail to respond within forty-eight (48) hours, or fail to correct the problem, we will refund your last service charge. See Service Agreement for more details!

*Excluding weekends and holidays.


50% Off Initial Pest Elimination Service*

Offer Expires: Friday, October 25

* Offer valid with a Pest Elimination service plan.

50% Off Initial Pest Elimination Service*
Offer Expires:Friday, October 25

*Offer valid with a Pest Elimination service plan.

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