Scorpion Control

Scorpion Control Phoenix

Best Scorpion Control Services in Phoenix , Arizona

Ranked sixth in population of cities in the U.S. and with its subtropical arid climate, Phoenix Arizona is also “home” to Scorpions. Scorpion venom paralyses then kills their prey or is used for self-defense. Even small young Scorpions inject the same amount of venom as adults. Each Scorpion has its own unique venom with a different toxicity. Do not underestimate their danger—even newborn Scorpions have venom.

Scorpions are nocturnal, predatory animals that feed on a variety of insects, spiders, centipedes, and other Scorpions. Large Scorpions occasionally feed on vertebrates, such as small lizards, snakes, and mice. Most Scorpions live in warm, dry climates and many of the species found in North America occur in Arizona, adjacent areas of California, and parts of New Mexico. Of the 70 or so species found in North America, only one, the Bark Scorpion, Centruroides exilicauda (formerly called C. sculpturatus), is considered dangerous to people.

Scorpion Control Phoenix Arizona

Scorpions are found in undisturbed areas of a property – closets, seldom-used shoes, or folded clothes. These most dangerous Scorpions are generally found in Phoenix because of availability of water and shade in and around a property.

Most common to Phoenix is the Arizona Bark Scorpion (Centruroides exilicauda)—the most venomous and only lethal Scorpion in Phoenix Arizona. The Bark Scorpion’s sting can be fatal to young children, the elderly, and those who are allergic to the venom. The Arizona Bark Scorpion (1-3 inches in length) is the most commonly encountered Scorpion on properties in Arizona. One interesting fact about the Arizona Bark Scorpion is that it is one of relatively few Scorpions that are able climbers. WATTS Pest Prevention works for effective Scorpion Control.

The effect of a Scorpion’s sting depends primarily on the species of Scorpion involved. The sting of Scorpions in Vaejovis and Hadrurus genera is usually no more serious than stings of ants, bees, or wasps, unless a person has an allergic reaction. Normal reactions include an immediate intense, localized, burning sensation, with little redness or swelling; symptoms usually subside after about 30 minutes. The sting of a Bark Scorpion, however, can be serious, producing severe pain and swelling at the site of the sting, numbness, frothing at the mouth, difficulty breathing, respiratory paralysis, muscle twitching, and convulsions. These symptoms are signs for the need of immediate medical attention. Especially at risk are children and the elderly. In California, the Bark Scorpion occurs only in the extreme southeastern part of the state, along the Arizona border.

Anyone stung by a Bark Scorpion or experiencing an allergic reaction to a sting should seek medical attention. Keep the sting victim calm and relaxed, and do not allow the consumption of alcohol or other sedatives. It may be helpful to apply pressure compression as well as an ice pack to the sting site. Capture the Scorpion for identification if you can do it without risking your safety. Antivenins are available to treat severe reactions to stings.

Death from Scorpion sting is rare because stinging encounters are uncommon and antivenin is effective. During a 10-month period in the southwest, physicians reported 1,573 cases of Scorpion stings. The last reported death in Arizona, where Scorpions are common, was in 1948.

A successful Scorpion Control program requires more than the application of pesticides. Such methods include the client’s cooperation in properly preparing and maintaining the property being serviced.

To prevent stinging encounters with Scorpions, do not leave shoes, boots, clothing items, or wet towels outdoors where Scorpions can hide. Shake towels around the swimming pool and shake all clothing and shoes before putting them on. Wear gloves when working in the yard. Wear shoes outdoors, especially during the evening hours. A portable black light may be used to survey for Scorpions in and around the home. Scorpions glow brightly under black light and are therefore easily found and removed.

Rest assured, WATTS Pest Prevention has the specialized training to take care of any Scorpion infestation. Your WATTS Pest Prevention specialists are available 24 hours / 7 days a week to prevent any further Scorpion infestation of your property.

We only use S.A.F.E. (Sustainable. Advanced. Friendly. Effective) Products - WATTS Pest Prevention is committed to being environmentally responsible. Our products are low-impact and approved by the E.P.A. (Environmental Protection Agency). Rest assured that our professionally applied products (when allowed to aerate and dissipate) are not only environmentally friendly, but children and pet safe also!


    Pest Control products, if misused, can potentially poison or otherwise harm you, your children, or your pets.


    Professional pesticides are only permitted for use by your licensed Pest Control professional! When their use is deemed necessary, WATTS Pest Prevention technicians follow stringent policies and procedures governing such use.

We utilize an Integrated Pest Management (I.P.M.) approach for Arizona Pest Control. This comprehensive approach includes:

  • Inspection - Service specialists conduct a thorough inspection of the property.
  • Identification - Pests are identified for appropriate control measures.
  • Environmental Modification - All possible environmental modification solutions are considered prior to any material application.
  • Material Application - When a thorough inspection has been performed, a proper identification has been assessed, and all environmental modification options have been made (if applicable), a material application will be performed in a judicious, environmentally responsible manner.

Scorpion Control is one program ideally suited to our area of the country. Due to our wonderful weather and luscious landscapes, the segment of our business dealing with Scorpion Control addresses a real and ongoing need.

While our professional protocols are strongly suggested to resolve any issues you may come across, there are some things you can do to supplement them.

A successful Arizona Pest Control program requires more than simply relying solely on your recurring Pest Control services. Understanding that recurring Pest Control plays a critical role, supplemental Pest Control methods include the customer’s cooperation in properly preparing and maintaining the property being serviced. Properly preparing and maintaining a Scorpion-Free environment includes:

1. Educate children not to touch scorpions and report scorpion sightings to an adult caregiver. An Arizona bark scorpion finds a cozy harborage site in a child’s shoe.

2. Be vigilant while walking outdoors at night; wear shoes. Be vigilant indoors at night; wear slippers or flip-flops. Do not store shoes on the floor, especially outdoors.

3. Do not allow towels or clothing to be discarded on the ground indoors or outdoors.

4. Pest-proof your home on the exterior and interior (see our Pest Control page for more details).

5. Be careful when camping or during other outdoor activities to ensure that a scorpion has not made a home in your clothes, shoes or sleeping bags. If you bring firewood in from outdoor storage areas, place it directly on the fire; do not store woodpiles inside the home. Do not allow wood, rocks, clutter or debris to build up against the home.

6. Scorpions glow brightly under Ultraviolet light (UV or black light), use a UV light to inspect inside your home for scorpions before bedtime. Conduct UV light collections several times during summer months between 8-11pm. Make sure that you wear boots and have long tongs if you want to capture the scorpions to move them. As they are beneficial to our environment please consider collecting and releasing the scorpions into the natural desert rather than killing them.

7. Keep grass closely mowed near the home. Prune bushes and overhanging tree branches away from the structure. Tree branches can provide a path to the roof for scorpions. Minimize low growing ground cover vegetation.

8. Store garbage containers in a frame that allows them to rest above ground level.

9. Install weather-stripping around doors and windows and ensure a snug fit. Ensure door sweeps are tight fitting with no gaps. Screen weep holes in brick veneer or weep screed with coarse steel mesh (the holes should not be plugged or sealed as they are important for the ventilation of wall spaces). Caulk around roof eaves, pipes and any other points and wall penetrations into the building. Keep window screens in good repair. Make sure they fit tightly in the window frame. Stucco and cap hollow-block walls to make them less inviting harborage zones.

REMEMBER: All pests need 3 things to survive - FOOD, WATER, & SHELTER!

Price Promise - At WATTS Pest Prevention, we are committed to operate in a financially sound manner, considering every cost incurred, in order to provide superior services at extremely reasonable rates to you, our customer.

Product Promise - WATTS Pest Prevention is committed to not only being environmentally responsible with the materials that we use, by utilizing technologically advanced measures such as I.P.M. (Integrated Pest Management) and low impact materials approved by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and certified with the N.O.P. (National Organic Program), we also choose to conduct our day-to-day business operations with these same considerations toward being environmentally responsible.

Performance Promise - WATTS Pest Prevention is committed to providing a service experience that is not only exceptional and unmatched in our industry, but also custom tailored to meet your specific needs. Did I mention that it boasts an amazing “Pest-Free, Or We’ll Waive The Fee” Guarantee! Simply stated, we have perfected our unique Pest Prevention process!

Marc A. Watts Sr.

If you select one of our eligible Pest Prevention Programs and observe any covered pest(s) in-between regularly scheduled service visits, or you were not completely satisfied with the last service we provided, Watts Pest Prevention will respond to correct the problem within forty-eight (48) hours*. If we fail to respond within forty-eight (48) hours, or fail to correct the problem, we will refund your last service charge. See Service Agreement for more details!

*Excluding weekends and holidays.

75% Off Initial Scorpion Extermination Service*

Offer Expires: Friday, March 28

* Offer valid with a Scorpion Extermination service plan.

75% Off Initial Scorpion Extermination Service*
Offer Expires: Friday, March 28

*Offer valid with a Scorpion Extermination service plan.

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