Spider Control - #1 Spider Exterminator in Arizona
Spider Control

Spider Control

Best Spider Control Services in Phoenix AZ

Spiders (Araneae) are not Insects—they have some characteristics different from Insects. A smaller group of invertebrate animals has only two main body parts. The body consists of a combined head and thorax, called the cephalothorax, and the abdomen. The cephalothorax has the eyes, mouthparts (no antennae) and four pairs of legs. Animals sharing these characteristics include ticks, mites, scorpions and Spiders. The group is called the Arachnida.

All Spiders, of course, travel around their immediate territory on foot. But small and young Spiders can travel for many miles carried through the air by a breeze—a method of travel called ballooning. It depends on the Spider being in the right position so the breeze draws out a line of silk from one of the spinnerets on its abdomen. The long, delicate strand of silk is carried high up into the air with the tiny Spider suspended at its end.

Arizona does not have the infamous Brown Recluse (Loxosceles reclusa) Spider but it does have other closely-related Loxosceles species collectively known as Arizona Brown Spiders which are also venomous. Arizona Brown Spiders have toxic venom that can cause renal failure in very rare cases, and because the venom is necrotizing—it can eat away your flesh, causing ulceration and permanent scarring. These Spiders are brown in color with a violin-shaped, dark marking on the cephalothorax with the neck of the violin pointing away from the head. These Spiders are often found in homes, and some of their favorite hiding places are in clothes or bedding.

Spider Control Phoenix Arizona

Flower Spiders are members of the Crab Spider Family (Thomisidae). These ambush predators will lie in wait on flowers and capture visiting Insects with their two pairs of powerful front legs. Once captured, the Flower Spider bites the Insect with its venomous fangs. The Spiders venom kills the insect and helps digest it from the inside out, allowing the Flower Spider to suck it dry. Bites of some larger Flower Spiders can cause some pain, but are not dangerous to humans.

Several species of Funnel-Web Spiders (Agelenidae) are found here in the Sonoran Desert. Their distinctive, funnel-shaped webs are a common sight in areas with grass, leaf litter, and other plant debris. The Funnel-Web Spiders found in Arizona are harmless to humans and very shy—rarely seen outside their holes. Funnel-Web Wolf Spiders (Hippasinae) build horizontal, funnel-shaped sheet webs that are used for both hunting and shelter. Funnel-Web Wolf Spiders (Sosippus spp.) are common here in Arizona. If a Funnel-Web Wolf Spider detects the telltale vibrations of an insect on its web, it will race out of its hole and capture it. The Spider will then drag its prey back into its hole in order to eat it in relative safety.

Lynx Spiders (Oxyopidae) are quick, very capable predators often found near flowers. Lynx Spiders do not build webs, instead they lurk among the flowers, and just like a cat, pounce on their unwary prey.

There are quite a few species of Orb-Weaver Spider (Araneidae) in Arizona, but not often in the desert during dry times of the year. They can be abundant in grassy and riparian areas in years with abundant summer rains. Orb-Weaver Spiders are known for the classic, radiating spiral shape of their webs. Many of these conspicuous Spiders are quite colourful or boldly patterned and easy to see because they often perch in their webs. Orb-weaver Spiders have been known to build their webs directly across paths and trails, and although there is a chance of accidentally walking into one of these Spiders, they are not considered dangerously venomous.

Tarantulas (Theraphosidae) emerge during the summer here in Arizona. The Tarantulas here spend most of their time in underground burrows; but during the summer, the males emerge after dark to look for females. They are large, furry like an animal, very slow moving, mild-mannered, and do not come into the house unless you leave your doors wide open (which, given all the rattlesnakes and other creatures we have in Arizona would be an act of madness). Male Tarantulas, in their quests to find a mate, are daring explorers and will climb things, so they can be found in all sorts of unusual spots.

Wolf Spiders are hairy hunting Spiders in the worldwide family Lycosidae (Lykos is Greek for “wolf”). These common Spiders can be found in a wide variety of habitats. Although Wolf Spiders can be of any size, many of them are quite large, up to 1-1/3 inches long or more. Large Wolf Spiders are very common here in the Sonoran Desert, where they are sometimes mistaken for some of our other large Spiders like Giant Crab Spiders (Olios spp.) or Tarantulas (Theraphosidae). Wolf Spiders are nocturnal predators with excellent nighttime vision due to the light-reflecting crystalline tapetum layer in their large eyes. This light-reflecting layer gives them a whitish blue or green eyeshine, which you may be able to see at night if you crouch down and shine your flashlight across a patch of grass or fallen leaves.

Why be concerned about Spiders?

  • The venom of some Spiders is very strong.
  • The Spider bite can feel like a pinprick. If bitten, a person experiences nausea, muscle ache, and paralysis of the diaphragm which makes breathing difficult. In rare cases and depending on the type of Spider, bites can be fatal—especially to small children or the elderly.
  • If you spot a Spider, do not bother it.
  • Spiders are shy but move quickly and bite, if disturbed.

Let a WATTS Pest Prevention technician take care of this concern for you.

Identifying Spider Infestations:

In the case of all suspected Spider infestations, please allow us to handle the issue for you—especially when you are unsure of the type Spider in or near your property. Your WATTS Pest Prevention technicians are trained on both Spider basics and the latest control techniques.

Preventing Spider Recurrence:

Your WATTS Pest Prevention technician will be involved closely with you to educate you regarding Spider Control, ensuring you are aware of what you must do to assist us with a successful plan. This will include tips that only you, as the property owner, can ensure are completed. Some things your WATTS Pest Prevention technician will do as part of our Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan.

Treating Spider Infestations:

Spider Control must be thorough and your cooperation enlisted. A systematic and integrated process for achieving long-term, environmentally sound Spider management must incorporate numerous chemical and non-chemical tools to achieve success. Your WATTS Pest Prevention technician is licensed by the State of Arizona and has been specially trained in the safe use of all products necessary to take care of your Spider Control problem. This combination of approaches is generally known as Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and is the approach used by WATTS Pest Prevention.

WATTS Pest Prevention looks forward to serving you and servicing your property!

Refer to the Pest Control page for D.I.Y. Prevention Tips for Spider Control Phoenix Arizona!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Spider Control products, if misused, can potentially poison or otherwise harm you, your children, or your pets.

PLEASE NOTE: These Pesticides are only permitted for use by your licensed Spider Control professional! When their use is deemed necessary, WATTS Pest Prevention technicians follow stringent policies and procedures governing such use.

We utilize an Integrated Pest Management (I.P.M.) approach for Spider Control Phoenix Arizona. This comprehensive approach includes:

  • INSPECTION – Service specialists conduct a thorough inspection of the property.
  • IDENTIFICATION – Pests are identified for appropriate control measures.
  • ENVIRONMENTAL MODIFICATION – All possible environmental modification solutions are considered prior to any material application.
  • MATERIAL APPLICATION – When a thorough inspection has been performed, a proper identification has been assessed, and all environmental modification options have been made (if applicable), a material application will be performed in a judicious, environmentally responsible manner.

Our service plans include:

  • Bi-Monthly service schedules (Residential)
  • Weekly – Monthly service schedules (Commercial)
  • Termite monitoring
  • Exterior only service (inside on request)
  • And much more…

Our Spider Control Exterminators are specialists, thoroughly trained and rigorously tested in the area of Spider Control Phoenix Arizona and will protect your investment from these Pests:

  • Spider Control Phoenix Arizona

Ask our customer service representative for more details, including our P.E.S.T. Barricade™ Plan for Residential properties and our P.E.S.T. Blockade Plan for Commercial properties! CALL NOW!


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Arizona Cities Served:
Anthem, Apache Junction, Avondale, Buckeye, Cave Creek, Chandler, El Mirage, Fountain Hills, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Litchfield Park, Mesa, Paradise Valley, Peoria, Phoenix, Queen Creek, Scottsdale, Sun City/Sun City West, Surprise, Tempe, Tolleson, Youngtown

We only use S.A.F.E. (Sustainable. Advanced. Friendly. Effective) Products - WATTS Pest Prevention is committed to being environmentally responsible. Our products are low-impact and approved by the E.P.A. (Environmental Protection Agency). Rest assured that our professionally applied products (when allowed to aerate and dissipate) are not only environmentally friendly, but children and pet safe also!


    Pest Control products, if misused, can potentially poison or otherwise harm you, your children, or your pets.


    Professional pesticides are only permitted for use by your licensed Pest Control professional! When their use is deemed necessary, WATTS Pest Prevention technicians follow stringent policies and procedures governing such use.

We utilize an Integrated Pest Management (I.P.M.) approach for Arizona Pest Control. This comprehensive approach includes:

  • Inspection - Service specialists conduct a thorough inspection of the property.
  • Identification - Pests are identified for appropriate control measures.
  • Environmental Modification - All possible environmental modification solutions are considered prior to any material application.
  • Material Application - When a thorough inspection has been performed, a proper identification has been assessed, and all environmental modification options have been made (if applicable), a material application will be performed in a judicious, environmentally responsible manner.

A successful Pest Control program requires more than simply relying solely on your recurring Pest Control services. Understanding that recurring Pest Control plays a critical role, supplemental Pest Control methods include the customer’s cooperation in properly preparing and maintaining the property being serviced. Properly preparing and maintaining a Pest-Free environment includes:

Interior Considerations: Seal holes in walls and around pipes, cables and wires. Seal cracks and crevices with paint or caulk. Seal other holes ¼” or larger. Fix leaky plumbing. Correct excessive moisture problems. Remove clutter. Organize storage rooms/closets. Store Pest nesting material (fabric, paper, rug scraps, plastic, and insulation) in Pest-proof containers. Clean and screen drains. Cap drains in basement floors. Store human and pet food in Pest-proof containers at least 6” above the floor. Maintain excellent sanitation conditions. Dispose of Pest- or Rodent-infested goods. Remove fecal matter (rodents, bats, birds). Sanitize animal fecal matter after removal. Investigate secondary Pest potential from primary Pest infestation (e.g. fleas, mites).

Exterior Considerations: Cut vegetation back from building walls at least 18″. Remove ivy and other vines from sides of buildings or nearby trees. Trim back tree branches that touch or rub against building. Seal and/or repair air conditioning unit(s). Seal holes in walls and around pipes, cables, and wires. Seal other holes ¼” or larger. Install screens on windows and doors if used for ventilation. Weatherstrip entry doors and ensure no light is visible around the perimeter to avoid pest entry. Repair damaged roof. Move compost into Pest-proof containers. Fix leaking irrigation. Eliminate standing water. Maintain properly functioning drains. Maintain order in storage shed(s) and/or garage(s). Store Pest nesting material (fabric, paper, rug scraps, plastic, and insulation) in Pest-proof containers. Store grass seed and pet food in Pest-proof containers. Remove debris, lumber and/or rock piles. Move firewood piles as far away from the structure as possible. Cut grass and eliminate weeds. Remove fallen fruit or nuts. Remove fecal matter (rodents, bats, birds). Sanitize animal fecal matter after removal. Investigate secondary Pest potential from primary Pest infestation (e.g. fleas, mites).

REMEMBER: All pests need 3 things to survive - FOOD, WATER, & SHELTER!

Price Promise - At WATTS Pest Prevention, we are committed to operate in a financially sound manner, considering every cost incurred, in order to provide superior services at extremely reasonable rates to you, our customer.

Product Promise - WATTS Pest Prevention is committed to not only being environmentally responsible with the materials that we use, by utilizing technologically advanced measures such as I.P.M. (Integrated Pest Management) and low impact materials approved by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and certified with the N.O.P. (National Organic Program), we also choose to conduct our day-to-day business operations with these same considerations toward being environmentally responsible.

Performance Promise - WATTS Pest Prevention is committed to providing a service experience that is not only exceptional and unmatched in our industry, but also custom tailored to meet your specific needs. Did I mention that it boasts an amazing “Pest-Free, Or We’ll Waive The Fee” Guarantee! Simply stated, we have perfected our unique Pest Prevention process!

Marc A. Watts Sr.

If you select one of our eligible Pest Prevention Programs and observe any covered pest(s) in-between regularly scheduled service visits, or you were not completely satisfied with the last service we provided, Watts Pest Prevention will respond to correct the problem within forty-eight (48) hours*. If we fail to respond within forty-eight (48) hours, or fail to correct the problem, we will refund your last service charge. See Service Agreement for more details!

*Excluding weekends and holidays.

75% Off Initial Pest Elimination Service*

Offer Expires: Friday, March 14

* Offer valid with a Pest Elimination service plan.

75% Off Initial Pest Elimination Service*
Offer Expires: Friday, March 14

*Offer valid with a Pest Elimination service plan.

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