7 Factors to Consider When Choosing Termite Control in Phoenix, AZ
termite control in Phoenix, AZ

7 Factors to Consider When Choosing Termite Control in Phoenix, AZ

Have you got a termite problem on your hands? Termites can wreak havoc on your property and belongings if they aren’t controlled as quickly as possible. The earlier the better when it comes to termite control in Phoenix, AZ.

And though there’s no time to waste when it comes to exterminating termites, you still want to take the necessary time to choose a reliable company.

Knowing what to look for in an extermination company is key. Here we’ll discuss 7 key factors to take into consideration before you hire just anyone to get rid of your termite problem for you:

1. Substantial Experience

The first, and arguably most important, thing you want to take into consideration before hiring termite control in Phoenix, AZ is plenty of experience.

You want to hire someone who knows what they’re doing when it comes to termites so you can be sure the job gets done well the first time. If you can, look for a business that has established itself in the community for several years and has built a solid reputation.

They should have both the technical experience needed to exterminate termites as well as solid customer service experience. You can always search for online customer reviews and ask for referrals from previous customers to get an idea. 

2. Look for a Community Based Termite Control in Phoenix, AZ

Finding a termite control company that is community-based is crucial. Why? Because a local control expert will be familiar with the termites that thrive in your area.

It won’t be as effective if you hire a termite extermination company that focuses on one type of termite that isn’t local to your area. You want someone who is familiar with your local environment and how termites in your area thrive. If a company has been exterminating local termite types for years, they most likely know what they’re doing. 

3. Look For Someone Who Offers a Free Consultation

When you’re trying to decide between a few companies that offer termite control in Phoenix, AZ, you can narrow down your options by considering only those that offer a free consultation.

You should be able to try out your termite control service before you pay for long-term service. This will give you the chance to learn more about the company, how they take care of termite problems, and if their method is effective. You also want to make sure that their technicians are comfortable to interact with. 

4. Consider Multiple Specialties

There are some companies that focus solely on termites and there are some companies that offer all kinds of pest control services.

Instead of searching for a pest control company for every type of pest, avoid the hassle and seek out an extermination service that can take care of your termites as well as any other pest that comes along.

Doing so can save you both time and money in the long run as well as the trouble of having to deal with several different contractors. 

5. The Method of Extermination

Termites can be a real nuisance, so knowing how a particular company plans to eliminate them matters. Before you hire anyone to take on the job of exterminating termites on your property, make sure you have a thorough understanding of their methods.

Don’t hesitate to ask about their particular procedures and about the chemicals they plan on using to get the job done.

Ask about where they would plan on setting up a bait station, if they anticipate making any repairs on structures that have been damaged by the termites, and about any insecticides they plan on using.

This is all valuable information to gather upfront. If you aren’t comfortable with a company’s methods, you might want to look elsewhere. 

6. Compare Different Offers

Check out several different companies and get offers from each of them. Then you can make a comparison between what you would get for your money with each.

Keep in mind that the highest bid doesn’t always mean the best service or reliability, and neither does the lowest bid mean the best value.

Take all factors into consideration including customer service, possible guarantee, reputation, location, cost, and so on. You want to go with the company that is best suited to solve your issue affordably and thoroughly. 

7. A Guarantee

When you’re trying to make a decision between termite control in Phoenix, AZ, it’s a good idea to lean towards any company that can offer a guarantee on their work. After all, the whole point of hiring a pest control company is their ability to rid your home of the pest.

Check to see if they are willing to guarantee their service. If they trust their own process, they shouldn’t have a problem offering a guarantee. If they hesitate or refuse to do so, it’s a red flag and you might want to continue your search. 

Contact Us For Full Termite Extermination

Now that you’ve learned a little bit more about what to look for in trustworthy termite control in Phoenix, AZ, we invite you to learn more about our experienced company and what we offer.

Our family-owned pest control company doesn’t mess around, and we have the awards, satisfied customers, and solid results to prove it. We can eliminate any termite problem you have as well as take care of a myriad of other common household pests. Contact us today to set up your consultation. We look forward to serving you!